Cybersecurity Products
In order to facilitate safe and secure Internet infrastructures, many corporations and individuals use technical tools and security policies that aim to configure the online environment in such a way that reduces the probability of cybercrime from occurring and progressing. These tools are designed to detect attacks and security violations, prevent them from developing, and provide useful information for IT managers who are responsible for recovering from cyber-dependent crimes. But despite the growing number of individuals and organizations that implement these tools and policies on their computing environments, the effectiveness of these tools and strategies in preventing and mitigating the occurrence of malicious cyber activities is still relatively unclear. This project aims to address this challenge by
(1) identifying a list of more than 3,000 cybersecurity companies and their security products,
(2) reviewing all the information available about the companies and the products, and
(3) looking for information regarding the evidence around the effectiveness of these tools and policies in preventing and mitigating the occurrence of cyber-crimes.